12 Mar 2025


Best Data Products NA--PcTel Chipseet Modem Driver

Company: Best Data Products
Model: NA--PcTel Chipseet
Operating System: Windows ME (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update



Best Data Products NA--PcTel Chipseet Driver. Windows ME driver for the BestData internal pci modem with fcc id # 5RJTAI-33566-M5-E and a PcTel chipset.

56K PCTEL Chipset (Best Data) PCI Data/Fax Modem Driver

A driver is required for this modem to operate with Windows 95,98, & ME. This modem is completely 100% plug and play. If Windows plug and play allready detected the modem and you made the choice not to install a driver then you will have to goto the Device Manager and remove the modem from the OTHER DEVICES catagory after downloading this driver. If you have not yet placed the modem in the computer, then after downloading this file perform a shutdown and install the card into your computer. When you boot up Windows will find the card and ask for the driver. Simply point it to the location where you saved the file.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 36 06-05-00 16:18 WinME/MDMCHIPV.CAT 34023 06-07-00 19:31 WinME/MDMCHIPV.INF 34141 07-20-00 17:12 WinME/PCTPTT.EX_ 19801 07-21-00 11:25 WinME/PCTVOICE.EX_ 36 06-05-00 16:18 WinME/PCTWDM.CAT 728 06-05-00 10:39 WinME/PTCOUNTY.INI 26583 07-20-00 17:24 WinME/PTCTRL.CP_ 58624 07-21-00 10:39 WinME/PTDLL16.DLL 79872 07-21-00 10:39 WinME/PTDLL32.DLL 456 01-18-01 18:44 WinME/PTHSP.DA_ 61073 08-21-00 11:39 WinME/PTSERIAL.SY_ 85085 07-21-00 10:39 WinME/PTUNINST.EXE 2502 05-17-98 19:29 WinME/Pctwdm.inf 276334 08-17-00 15:59 WinME/VMODEM.SY_ 206493 08-15-00 13:47 WinME/VPCTCOM.SY_ 29909 07-24-00 17:06 WinME/VVOICE.SY_ 0 11-05-01 13:25 WinME/ -------- ------- 915696 17 files

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