12 Mar 2025


Other Companies Asaki Modem Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: Asaki
Operating System: Windows ME (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: AMR_260.zip


Other Companies Asaki Driver. Este driver é para o modem onboard AMR da placa-mãe Procomp BIW1B. Funciona perfeitamente no Windows ME (provavelmente funcione nas versões anteriores do Windows e em outros modelos de placas-mãe da Procomp).

Cara, foi difícil achar este driver! Por isso, resolvi mandar para o DriverGuide, para que outras pessoas não sofram como mim.

This driiver is for onboard modem (AMR) from Procomp BIW1B motherboard.

It works perfectly in Windows ME (it probabyly works in previous Windows versions and other motherboards).

Man, this driver was very hard to find! I searched hours in the Internet. Well, enjoy the software!!!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 9337 08-20-99 17:06 AMR_260/slld.vx_ 79007 08-20-99 17:05 AMR_260/mtlfax.vx_ 46444 08-20-99 17:05 AMR_260/mtlhal.vx_ 30495 08-20-99 17:05 AMR_260/mtlmdm.vx_ 17229 08-20-99 17:05 AMR_260/mtlport.vx_ 641490 08-20-99 17:06 AMR_260/mtlstrm.vx_ 5888 09-27-99 09:54 AMR_260/readme.txt 967 08-20-99 17:05 AMR_260/RMDRV.PIF 68332 08-24-99 19:00 AMR_260/slamr.vx_ 8327 08-20-99 17:06 AMR_260/slamr16.dl_ 1487 09-16-99 13:24 AMR_260/slamrwd.inf 111616 08-20-99 17:06 AMR_260/slclean.ex_ 1118 09-16-99 13:25 AMR_260/slclean.ini 103558 08-20-99 17:06 AMR_260/slextspk.dl_ 46272 09-16-99 13:23 AMR_260/mdmslamr.inf 153090 08-20-99 17:06 AMR_260/sllights.ex_ 3961 08-20-99 17:06 AMR_260/sllights.ini 20667 08-20-99 17:06 AMR_260/smcfg.ex_ 30159 08-20-99 17:06 AMR_260/smprop32.dl_ 13971 08-20-99 17:06 AMR_260/smproppg.dl_ 161293 08-20-99 17:06 AMR_260/v90drv.vx_ 0 07-31-00 18:24 AMR_260/ -------- ------- 1554708 22 files

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