12 Mar 2025


NetoDragon PQGP100 Modem Driver

Company: NetoDragon
Model: PQGP100
Operating System: Linux (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: slmodem-2.9.10_netodragon.tar.gz


NetoDragon PQGP100 Driver. etoDragon is a V.92/v.90 analog modem chipset optimized for the PCI (peripheral component interconnect) bus specification.

This innovative solution is based on market proven NetoDragon analog modem technology already found in millions of modems worldwide. NetoDragon modem technology moves the modem, fax and telephony functions that previously performed by a DSP to PC's host processor. This approach offers end users the lowest cost with maximum flexibility through software upgrades.

NetoDragon chipset offers v.92/v.90 modem, fax and telephony features in a 3 chip design made of an extremely compact (PQGP100 18x20mm) PCI modem controller MDV92XP and a leading edge Silicon DAA (Data Access Arrangement) in two SOIC16 packages (10x3mm). The complete solution, using a single board layout, can be certified in multiple countries worldwide.

NetoDragon is a cost effective and reliable solution for high volume PCI analog modem shipments.

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