12 Mar 2025


Practical Peripherals 5676US Modem Driver

Company: Practical Peripherals
Model: 5676US
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: stdv90i.exe


Practical Peripherals 5676US Driver. I tried another V.90 upgrade (prac5676.exe), but like many others, was told that my modem was not a valid practical peripherals modem,(even though it is).I then used this

file from flashcom,and had no problems

with the flash process. I used the driver from the win98 CD, and greatly

improved conectivity and download speed. I then upgraded to win2000, and the modem is still working great,

although I had to re-install it after the 2000 upgrade. Good Luck!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 4387 03-01-97 11:43 Flshlodr.s37 8628 06-22-97 00:15 FlashCom.GID 14479 08-11-97 14:27 FLASHCOM.HLP 638 06-03-98 11:10 FLASHCOM.INI 87056 08-13-97 17:12 Flashcom.exe 142 06-03-98 11:59 Readme.txt 392059 05-11-98 09:10 V90I.S37 -------- ------- 507389 7 files

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