28 Feb 2025


Conexant amx-ca83p Modem Driver

Company: Conexant
Model: amx-ca83p
Operating System: Windows ME (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: amx-ca83pWAN.zip


Conexant amx-ca83p Driver. This should also work with Win2k and Win98.

Updated drivers for Dabs value ADSL Conexant AccessRunner.

Once installed, double click the AccessRunner Control Panel Icon.

Once open press Alt+P to open up the properties menu.

Click on the protocol setup tab..

The Virtual Circuit Id (VCI) should be

set to 38 (not default 35), and the encapsulation Mode should be set to PPP over ATM VCMUX.(RFC2364).

Click Apply, then reboot your comp.

This is what worked for me after a lot of frustrating hours of the line

just re-training all the time.

Good Luck

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 24 09-28-01 15:25 Wan/16102rkr.cat 24 09-28-01 15:25 Wan/16102rwr.cat 24 09-28-01 15:25 Wan/16112rkr.cat 24 09-28-01 14:38 Wan/16112rkw.cat 24 09-28-01 15:25 Wan/16112rwr.cat 24 09-28-01 14:38 Wan/16112rww.cat 802816 10-11-01 13:31 Wan/CnxAdslC.cpl 216090 12-18-00 08:03 Wan/CnxAdslH.chm 217088 10-11-01 13:31 Wan/CnxAdslL.exe 118784 10-03-01 14:08 Wan/CnxClsCo.dll 385024 10-11-01 13:32 Wan/CnxDslTb.exe 360448 10-11-01 13:31 Wan/CnxDslWz.dll 2998 05-18-00 11:21 Wan/CnxDunI.ico 147456 10-11-01 13:31 Wan/CnxHwIo.dll 118784 10-03-01 14:12 Wan/CnxMfdCo.dll 43521 10-11-01 13:28 Wan/CnxTgF.hex 111649 10-11-01 13:18 Wan/CnxTgN.sys 427583 10-11-01 13:11 Wan/CnxTgP.sys 107360 10-11-01 13:09 Wan/CnxTgR.sys 200704 10-11-01 13:32 Wan/CnxUnist.exe 12640 10-11-01 12:04 Wan/Cxt1610R.inf 25736 10-11-01 12:03 Wan/Cxt1611C.inf 12911 10-11-01 12:04 Wan/Cxt1611R.inf 3887 08-21-01 14:49 Wan/CxtClsCo.inf 43 03-28-00 13:41 Wan/DISK1 0 10-11-01 16:48 Wan/ -------- ------- 3315666 26 files

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