9 Mar 2025


Viking Components v1456vqh-r5 Modem Driver

Company: Viking Components
Model: v1456vqh-r5
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: VikingModemXP.zip


Viking Components v1456vqh-r5 Driver. I have searched every where for a driver for my Viking AKY,Fax,Data Voice Modem That Worked With Windows XP.Went To Viking.com and they said that there is no driver for my modem that supports XP.If any one has noticed when you start your computer your system see's a Rockwell 56K ACF2 Fax,Data,Voice modem Well to Make this Short this driver will allow your viking isa modem work with XP.Just install Xp and up date driver in system device manager point to where you unzipped this driver Injoy
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 10-28-99 13:57 first.chk 307200 10-28-99 15:33 RKACF2.CPL 18538 10-29-99 17:01 RKV56D2.inf 1588 04-14-99 15:52 RKACF2.INI 2057 10-23-98 09:25 rkv56d2w.inf -------- ------- 329383 5 files

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