28 Feb 2025


HSP FMVSP56i3 Modem Driver

Company: HSP
Model: FMVSP56i3
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 56i3-2310.exe


HSP FMVSP56i3 Driver. Windows 95/98 Driver

"The file contains both the Windows drivers and the Flash Com program which contains the Dual-Mode V.90/K56Flex V2.310 Flash ROM code

Installation instructions

After downloading the file, run the 56i3-2310.exe program to unzip the files to an empty folder or directory on the hard drive. (If you cannot locate the file you downloaded, use the Windows Find command to search for the 56i3-2310.exe program on your hard disk.)

Refer to the readme.txt file included in the file for installation instructions to both update the models Flash ROM and also to remove the current Windows modem driver and install the new Windows modem driver. (This file will be found in the folder you unzipped the files to in step #1)

Refer to the instructions in the users manual for more details."

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 5794 07-07-99 14:18 readme.txt 7766 09-14-97 23:06 ZOLTRIX.BMP 11963 04-24-97 05:07 Serial.vxd 11963 04-24-97 05:07 Rockser.vxd 628715 07-07-99 13:57 Z2310P2.S37 17657 10-26-98 11:38 K56-V90.INF 620 07-07-99 14:19 FLASHCOM.INI 14479 08-10-97 23:27 FLASHCOM.HLP 155784 02-18-98 22:53 FLASHCOM.EXE 18624 10-12-98 11:53 bpfl20.s37 1474 10-26-98 11:37 56V90WAV.INF -------- ------- 874839 11 files

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