28 Feb 2025


US Robotics 1783 Modem Driver

Company: US Robotics
Model: 1783
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: winm56k.exe


US Robotics 1783 Driver. Supports Sportster 56K Winmodem. Major Hastle to locate! Not available on the WEB, BBS Only. (847)262-6000. Connect as New User, locate file winm56k.exe. Use Password winmodem to access download. (You would think they could at least TELL you this on the web, if not provide the driver there!) AS$H*LES!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 28095 07-31-97 17:16 Wmuninst.ex_ 30560 07-31-97 17:16 Install.exe 335 10-06-97 09:43 Nonx2.txt 523 08-12-97 10:32 Readme.txt 1599 08-12-97 10:51 Setup.inf 219113 07-31-97 17:16 Winmodem.38_ 31473 06-02-97 13:02 Winmodem.bm_ 34145 07-31-97 17:16 Winmodem.cp_ 7901 07-31-97 17:16 Winmodem.dr_ 24376 07-31-97 17:16 Winmodem.ex_ 2185 08-12-97 10:29 Winmodem.inf 316427 07-31-97 17:16 Winmodem.vx_ 45417 07-31-97 17:16 Wmconfig.ex_ 77152 06-03-97 11:07 Wmdiag.exe 125232 07-31-97 17:16 Wminstal.dll 59131 07-29-97 13:36 Wmmodem.inf 112751 07-31-97 17:16 Wmovl.38_ 3023 08-12-97 11:10 Wmport.inf 21648 02-25-97 17:54 Ctl3dv2.dll -------- ------- 1141086 19 files

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