28 Feb 2025


US Robotics winmodem Modem Driver

Company: US Robotics
Model: winmodem
Operating System: Windows NT (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: winmnt.zip


US Robotics winmodem Driver. This program installs drivers for 33.6 and 56k winmodems to work under NT. The trick is that NT won't find your modem through the modem wizard so you have to manually install the modem (have disk button), and it will appear to be set up and working at this point, but in fact only works for dial-out (ok for most users). If you need dial-in (RAS or LapLink), you must run add new hardware wizard (or modem wizard) AFTER you have successfully set-up your winmodem with the drivers provided. Your computer will find "standard modem". Click finish to install this modem. This modem allows both dial-in and dial-out (not sure if it will go above 28.8 though). Once this is done, remove the winmodem (x2) to free up your resources for the standard modem and you will have dial-in capability.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 233472 10-23-97 14:37 SETUP.EXE 108061 10-23-97 14:37 WINMODEM.CP_ 172544 10-23-97 14:37 WINMODEM.DLL 64714 10-23-97 10:52 WINMODEM.INF 337671 10-23-97 14:37 WINMODEM.SY_ -------- ------- 916462 5 files

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