12 Mar 2025


Phoebe Micro FB V1433VQH-U Modem Driver

Company: Phoebe Micro
Model: FB V1433VQH-U
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 336VQH-U.exe


Phoebe Micro FB V1433VQH-U Driver. This is manufactured by Phoebe Micro, Inc. It has a Davicom Chipset. I have a Phoebe Micromodem, but it's a newer 56Kflex/V.90...I recognized the Model No.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 296021 08-16-95 16:03 _INST32I.EX_ 7680 07-26-95 15:17 _ISDEL.EXE 9728 06-12-95 02:07 _SETUP.DLL 262344 09-01-95 20:36 _SETUP.LIB 1239 08-15-95 01:00 ADAPTER.INF 57 09-08-95 01:00 DISK.ID 158853 09-11-95 01:00 INSTALL.EXE 26878 09-11-95 01:00 INSTALL.PVL 58766 09-08-95 01:00 SETUP.INS 127454 09-08-95 01:00 PROGRAM.PVL 73384 08-14-95 10:28 QCD.Z 2042 05-04-93 02:20 README.COM 755 08-04-95 11:04 README.TXT 21120 08-11-95 01:17 SBCD.MPD 14490 07-06-95 04:22 SBCD.SYS 47104 08-16-95 03:17 SETUP.EXE 25361 05-31-94 06:22 MSCDEX.EXE 385 08-22-97 10:56 FILE_ID.DIZ 18178 08-20-97 14:21 LICENSE.TXT -------- ------- 1151839 19 files

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