5 Feb 2025


Rockwell PCI\RSS18003-6 Modem Driver

Company: Rockwell
Model: PCI\RSS18003-6
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: sft21103.exe


Rockwell PCI\RSS18003-6 Driver. Have been looking for this driver for 5 month joined DriverGuide.com

a few days ago and found this from one of there links , most of the files

are dated august 99 . Must be the latest there is. Rockwell are know called

Conexant. Installed this morning 22/09/99 had no problems .I am now getting

connections of 45333kps with no disconnection.This driver supports 26 countrys

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 55422 07-20-99 16:15 CNX2016.cty 55403 07-20-99 18:56 CNX2014.cty 55424 07-20-99 18:57 CNX2015.cty 55393 07-20-99 18:56 CNX2013.cty 21566 08-23-99 10:50 CNX2013.inf 2579 08-04-99 09:36 CNX2013m.inf 23861 08-23-99 10:50 CNX2014.inf 2711 08-04-99 09:37 CNX2014m.inf 1452 07-21-99 13:21 CNX2014w.inf 25348 08-26-99 15:15 CNX2015.inf 2884 08-26-99 17:08 CNX2015m.inf 1461 08-26-99 15:15 CNX2015w.inf 24964 08-10-99 14:10 CNX2016.inf 2727 08-04-99 09:37 CNX2016m.inf 1466 07-21-99 13:22 CNX2016w.inf 58047 08-10-99 13:19 BASIC2.VXD 48640 01-13-99 14:55 infunist.exe 158480 06-17-99 11:50 hcfcsa.dll 142848 06-13-99 12:26 hcfcsa32.dll 167424 06-16-99 21:07 hcfreadr.dll 136704 08-03-99 18:39 modctrl.dll 154299 08-03-99 18:28 AMOS.VXD 316635 08-03-99 18:25 FALLBACK.VXD 214724 08-04-99 11:56 FAX.VXD 101563 08-03-99 18:26 FSKS.VXD 18542 08-03-99 23:25 hcfpnp.vxd 409776 08-03-99 18:37 k56.vxd 13005 08-03-99 18:39 modctrl.vxd 34515 08-03-99 18:28 rksample.vxd 17012 08-03-99 23:23 ROKKMOSD.VXD 96837 05-25-99 14:30 rokv42.vxd 85715 08-03-99 18:23 spkphone.vxd 57538 08-03-99 18:31 TONES.VXD 10624 01-04-99 22:03 turbovbf.vxd 15371 01-04-99 22:03 turbovcd.vxd 470203 08-03-99 18:39 V124.VXD 442988 08-03-99 23:20 win95ac.vxd 1927 08-26-99 14:28 readme.txt -------- ------- 3506078 38 files

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