12 Mar 2025


Hayes 5914US Modem Driver

Company: Hayes
Model: 5914US
Operating System: Windows 95 & DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: hayes336.zip


Hayes 5914US Driver. This ZIP file contains Hayes Driver and Utilities for the Hayes Accura 336 V.34 + Fax Modem (and related Hayes modems). All files zipped from the original installation floppy disk supplied with my modem.

Instructions (following unzip)

1. To install online modem user's reference, run SETUP.EXE from inside Windows.

2. Modem INF File for Windows 95

3. PNP Driver V1.0E for DOS or Windows 3.1/3.11. For internal modems at DOS prompt run INSTALL.EXE.

4. For Windows 3.1 only, at DOS prompt run WIN31HS.EXE.

(C 1996 Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.)

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 5721 09-06-96 10:26 D2HLINK.DL_ 2050 08-27-96 17:02 HAYACVX2.INF 61498 08-27-96 17:04 MDMACVX2.INF 8574 01-30-96 14:31 MDMACI01.INF 54465 08-14-96 18:08 MDMACI3B.INF 2072 09-06-96 16:53 HAYUKPV3.INF 57947 09-06-96 17:15 MDMUKPD3.INF 57960 09-06-96 16:54 MDMUKPV3.INF 50309 09-10-96 18:38 MDMACC06.INF 297965 09-06-96 10:27 DATA.1 18060 09-06-96 10:26 D2HTOOLS.DL_ 11616 03-18-94 00:00 RHSICOMM.DRV 38594 02-08-96 10:53 INSTALL.EXE 72578 02-28-96 14:36 SETCOM16.EXE 291328 04-08-94 16:12 SETUP.EXE 47322 02-05-96 16:49 WIN31HS.EXE 35457 10-25-94 17:03 SETUP.INS 72696 09-06-96 10:27 INS0762.LIB 155 09-06-96 10:27 SETUP.PKG 2070 09-10-96 12:45 HAYDSVI3.INF 61511 09-10-96 12:45 MDMDSVI3.INF -------- ------- 1249948 21 files

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