5 Feb 2025


Analog Devices ad1821 Modem Driver

Company: Analog Devices
Model: ad1821
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: AD1821-MODIO-V2_31MA.zip


Analog Devices ad1821 Driver. try to connect to

update 101298@www.smlink.com/update/

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 43298 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/15_16w95.dr_ 18735 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/15_16w95.vx_ 15499 03-07-99 20:06 dbg/1821ma.asm 278 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/1821MA.BIN 5634 03-07-99 20:06 dbg/ad1821ma.inf 2336 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/ad18xx.hl_ 512 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/CLEAR.BIN 18195 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/EEWRITE.EXE 66261 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/k56drv.vx_ 40327 03-07-99 20:06 dbg/Mdmslaa1.inf 1302 03-07-99 20:06 dbg/mfslaa1.inf 7744 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/MSJSTICK.DRV 8704 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/MSMPU401.DRV 12972 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/MSMPU401.VXD 17952 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/MSOPL.DRV 78696 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/mtlfax.vx_ 45474 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/mtlhal.vx_ 29794 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/mtlmdm.vx_ 12255 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/mtlport.vx_ 617115 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/mtlstrm.vx_ 5352 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/readme.txt 967 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/RMDRV.PIF 2906 03-07-99 20:06 dbg/serwsl.inf 91958 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/slad182x.dr_ 32144 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/sladopl.dr_ 111003 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/slclean.ex_ 2142 03-07-99 20:06 dbg/slclean.ini 8507 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/slld.vx_ 145709 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/sllights.ex_ 57959 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/slva182x.vx_ 3849 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/smcfg.ex_ 11310 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/smproppg.dl_ 34125 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/testinst.ex_ 890 03-07-99 20:06 dbg/testinst.ini 121319 03-07-99 20:04 dbg/v90drv.vx_ 20590 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/VJOYD.VXD 2814 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/WPUNIMIX.INI 213 03-07-99 20:05 dbg/write.bat -------- ------- 1696840 38 files

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