12 Mar 2025


TDK Systems 4400 Modem Driver

Company: TDK Systems
Model: 4400
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: pdisdn.zip


TDK Systems 4400 Driver. pro digital isdn pcmcia card.

driver is for9x_me_W2k but works well in XP.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 02-13-01 10:17 acomod/ 364 01-29-01 15:34 acomod/aco.ini 12735 02-13-01 08:59 acomod/acome.hlp 116616 02-13-01 08:59 acomod/AcoPort.sys 290816 02-13-01 08:59 acomod/ISDN.exe 29434 01-29-01 15:34 acomod/Modem16.bmp 59710 01-29-01 15:34 acomod/Modem256.bmp 5173 02-13-01 08:59 acomod/vacocmd.vxd 193406 02-13-01 08:59 acomod/VAcoPorD.vxd 0 02-13-01 10:17 acowan/ 11738 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/acoicons.inf 53248 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/AcoLog.exe 23040 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/acomprt.sys 14897 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/AcoMprTrc.inf 121344 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/AcoRas.SYS 121696 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/acoras2k.sys 151552 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/AcoWan2k.dll 2806 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/acowanmp.inf 57344 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/Arasinst.exe 32768 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/datas.dll 8502 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/delfiles.dat 35 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/deutsch.TAG 34 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/english.TAG 299008 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/langeng.dll 368640 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/langger.dll 50149 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/oemsetup.inf 12 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/RasDisk1.TAG 110 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/RasInst.TAG 176128 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/rassudll.dll 40960 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/ReadPipe.EXE 214 02-13-01 08:59 acowan/WanMpConf.Dat 53546 01-29-01 15:34 acowan/watermrk.bmp 0 02-13-01 10:17 acowan9x/ 4682 02-13-01 08:59 acowan9x/Acowan.inf 35921 02-13-01 08:59 acowan9x/acowan.sys 0 02-13-01 10:17 capi_9x/ 8592 02-13-01 08:59 capi_9x/9x20.dll 50176 02-13-01 08:59 capi_9x/9x2032.dll 0 02-13-01 10:17 capi_nt/ 13808 02-13-01 08:59 capi_nt/capi20.dll 31232 02-13-01 08:59 capi_nt/Capi2032.dll 32256 02-13-01 08:59 capi_nt/capi20nt.dll 0 02-13-01 10:17 dun/ 2355976 02-13-01 08:59 dun/MSDUN13.EXE 546376 02-13-01 08:59 dun/MSISDN11.EXE 31232 02-13-01 09:00 Cleanup.exe 41984 02-13-01 09:00 cu_2k.exe 34816 02-13-01 09:00 cu_9x.exe 33792 02-13-01 09:00 cu_nt.exe 60416 02-13-01 09:00 isdngsmnt4exe.exe 28081 02-13-01 09:00 mdmpdig.inf 6776 02-13-01 09:00 ntvicont.vxd 6392 02-13-01 09:00 ntviport.vxd 59920 02-13-01 09:00 pdigcapi.sys 60096 02-13-01 09:00 pdigcapiw2k.sys 58880 02-13-01 09:00 pdigdco.dll 359168 02-13-01 09:00 pdigl3.sys 369507 02-13-01 09:00 pdigl3w2k.sys 39424 02-13-01 09:00 pdins9x.exe 8544 02-13-01 09:00 PDINS9X6.EXE 78336 02-13-01 09:00 pdtray.exe 36352 02-13-01 09:00 setup_NT4.exe 100967 02-13-01 09:00 vcapi.vxd 435344 02-13-01 09:00 visdngsm.vxd -------- ------- 7225071 64 files

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