28 Feb 2025


Conexant Soft56K , HSF Modem Driver

Company: Conexant
Model: Soft56K , HSF
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Conexant_Silent.zip


Conexant Soft56K , HSF Driver. This driver is working with Conexant Soft56K or HSF all model modems.. The problem with the noise has been solved. With this driver, you can have a silent connection with your Conexant modem under Windows XP..

PS The driver should be updated manually in WinXP.. You have to choose the "Advanced" mode by upgrading the driver.. And the driver will rename your modem as Acorp IRW V.92 but it's OK, don't worry..

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 06-18-02 23:41 50300_w2k/ 11891 01-21-02 23:06 50300_w2k/irw.cat 34418 06-19-02 00:08 50300_w2k/irw.inf 147539 12-20-01 15:52 50300_w2k/CNXCRC.cty 133923 12-20-01 15:51 50300_w2k/CNXStd.cty 316416 10-07-01 17:20 50300_w2k/csacpl.cpl 27 10-11-98 01:23 50300_w2k/disk1 591536 12-23-01 18:53 50300_w2k/HSF_CNXT.sys 1171488 12-23-01 18:59 50300_w2k/HSF_DP.sys 160083 12-23-01 19:00 50300_w2k/HSFHWBS2.sys 12074 12-25-01 10:23 50300_w2k/hsfinst.dll 266240 12-20-01 23:32 50300_w2k/Setup.exe 57344 10-22-01 14:37 50300_w2k/MdmXSdk.dll 9855 10-22-01 14:46 50300_w2k/MDMXSDK.sys 163840 07-04-02 12:50 b207se.exe 4613 07-08-02 22:23 booster.txt 3622 07-08-02 22:23 boshelp.txt 134144 02-01-01 22:19 setup.exe 48 08-29-00 01:58 modemlink.txt -------- ------- 3219101 19 files

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