12 Mar 2025


Best Data Products MACH 2 56 X 2 Modem Driver

Company: Best Data Products
Model: MACH 2 56 X 2
Operating System: Windows 95a (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: BestDataWin95.zip


Best Data Products MACH 2 56 X 2 Driver. Okay, I found this disk in the garbage. Some guy just threw away a box full of disks and drivers.

Well, I can't use them all, but maybe some one here can.

This is listed as

Best Data| MACH 2 56 X 2| INSTALLATion drivers| VERSION 1.0 FOR WIN 95 AND WINDOWS 3.1| COPYRIGHT 1997|

I'm pretty sure that this driver is for a dial up modem. When I copied the drivers to a folder so they could be zipped for transport, they tried to self install.

That's where it said "would you like to install the modem now?"

If it wasn't for that, I would not know what it was.

Good luck and I hope someone gets some use out of it.


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