12 Mar 2025


Microsoft lamaqq WS-5614UVSG Modem Driver

Company: Microsoft
Model: lamaqq WS-5614UVSG
Operating System: Windows ME (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: win9x.zip


Microsoft lamaqq WS-5614UVSG Driver. This driver is for the lamaqq OR relaqqs USB external modem in zip form, must be extracted by using winzip or other compatible software.

connect usb cable to modem then to PC

windows will see "usb device" click on "driver in a specific place" browse to folder where you have extracted these files it should install drivers- modem, sound for modem. Main file is ST7554.INF

"GOOD LUCK" mission imposible theme plays in the backround.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 10666 11-21-01 17:57 changes.txt 305664 11-21-01 17:57 grxtest.exe 47190 11-21-01 17:57 mdmmtl.tpl 35 11-21-01 17:57 mdmslusb.cat 46715 11-21-01 17:57 mdmslusb.inf 79849 11-21-01 17:57 mtlfax.vx_ 47024 11-21-01 17:57 mtlhal.vx_ 33917 11-21-01 17:57 mtlmdm.vx_ 17208 11-21-01 17:58 mtlport.vx_ 664648 11-21-01 17:58 mtlstrm.vx_ 21504 11-21-01 17:58 pegasusb_mv_nc.dll 6554 11-21-01 17:58 readme.txt 967 11-21-01 17:58 rmdrv.pif 2917 11-21-01 17:58 serwsl.inf 96438 11-21-01 17:58 slagree.ex_ 98069 11-21-01 17:58 slclean.ex_ 1556 11-21-01 17:58 slclean.ini 128751 11-21-01 17:58 slcpappl.cp_ 5036 11-21-01 17:58 slcpappl.hl_ 1088 11-21-01 17:58 slcustom.txt 104352 11-21-01 17:58 slextspk.dl_ 9337 11-21-01 17:58 slld.vx_ 160685 11-21-01 17:58 sllights.ex_ 3961 11-21-01 17:58 sllights.ini 101367 11-21-01 17:58 slnt7554.sy_ 15744 11-21-01 17:58 slusbcfg.dll 18298 11-21-01 17:58 slv7554.vx_ 34767 11-21-01 17:58 smcfg.ex_ 3514 11-21-01 17:58 st7554.inf 25744 11-21-01 17:58 uhcd.pat 76701 11-21-01 17:58 usb_cpl.dl_ 1944 11-21-01 17:59 uvs.slc 218483 11-21-01 17:59 v90drv.vx_ -------- ---- 2390693 33 files

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