12 Mar 2025


ESS Technologies es56t-pi Modem Driver

Company: ESS Technologies
Model: es56t-pi
Operating System: Windows NT (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 56pewnt.zip


ESS Technologies es56t-pi Driver. After search long and hard for a NT for my ESS modem I found one that works perfectly. It is straight forward to install. Just unzip the file and run the executable (read the txt file for further instructions). The driver is actually taken from an Archtek modem which uses the same chipset. Enjoy!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 25460 01-20-99 13:09 mdmess.inf 273248 01-20-99 14:18 es56tpi.sys 1473 01-22-99 10:14 readme.txt 30208 12-04-98 16:57 setup.exe 43520 01-14-99 16:52 uninst.exe -------- ------- 373909 5 files

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