12 Mar 2025


Hayes 5675 Modem Driver

Company: Hayes
Model: 5675
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: v90accura.zip


Hayes 5675 Driver. Most flash upgrades for the internal 56 data/fax accura modem (hayes) make the modem lock. Both the flex and v90 versions here work, unlike the newer ones which never work. IMPORTANT-> you must use the pins on the modem to force the COM (1-4), and install a generic 56 driver to that COM port. afterwards, you may remove the pins and allow the plug 'n play to configure the modem.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 8499 06-09-98 09:14 readme.doc 1129708 07-31-98 12:02 2083ih.exe 53585 05-12-98 11:32 56kFlash.exe 100 06-08-98 09:13 56kFlash.ini 34659 05-27-98 15:18 MDM5675A.inf 1129916 07-31-98 12:02 1120ih.exe 398416 05-11-98 16:40 VBRUN300.DLL 9485 06-16-98 13:10 WALLY.exe -------- ------- 2764368 8 files

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