31 Mar 2025


PC Tel HSP 56k MR Modem Driver

Company: PC Tel
Model: HSP 56k MR
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: WinXP_V2.92.04NC.zip


PC Tel HSP 56k MR Driver. HSP 56k MR For XP! Need Help. ???

Try this it worked for me after spending days looking for Drivers.

It says It's for USB. But as I was Getting Fed Up Decided 2 Try It...

V.90/V.92 Smartlink drivers for AMR and CNR modems. 2.92.04ND [Windows XP]

This is where I found it...........


Hope it can help someone out.......

The Time Now Is 03 59 & Now a can go for a SLEEP. ZZZzzzz.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 80297 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/amr_cpl.dl_ 22745 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/coinst.dl_ 17218 01-03-02 17:06 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/mdmhamrw.cat 68666 01-03-02 12:15 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/mdmhamrw.inf 98381 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/minirec.ex_ 103049 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/mtlmnt5.sy_ 879548 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/mtlstrm.sy_ 170599 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/ntmtlfax.sy_ 29406 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/sl.ln_ 56566 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/slclean.dl_ 112655 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/slclean.ex_ 2119 12-17-01 16:44 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/Slclean.ini 134653 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/slcpappl.ch_ 245263 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/slcpappl.cp_ 5036 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/slcpappl.hl_ 99284 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/slextspk.dl_ 182927 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/sllights.ex_ 390016 12-31-01 17:19 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/slntamr.sys 95309 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/slnthal.sy_ 24588 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/slserv.ex_ 33028 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/SlWdmSup.sys 35454 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/smcfg.ex_ 395849 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/v90drv.sy_ 18551 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/winddx.sy_ 7795 11-29-01 17:09 WinXP_V2.92.04NC/Text Doc..txt -------- ---- 3309002 25 files

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