12 Mar 2025


Hayes Hayes Accura 56K + Fax (5674AU) Modem Driver

Company: Hayes
Model: Hayes Accura 56K + Fax (5674AU)
Operating System: Windows 95b (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 5674AU-V90_firmwaredriver.zip


Hayes Hayes Accura 56K + Fax (5674AU) Driver. These are the Version 2.2 V.90 .inf drivers and V.90 Firmware for Australia. I found links for the US upgrade but none for AU. I am not too sure if the firmware is the same.

Just plug the modem into a com port and run the flash updater. Update the driver and away you go.

I just dug out this old modem and looked everywhere for the drivers. No such luck. Finally found them on an old tape backup from 1999.

I have uploaded them so I can get them next time I need them myself as well as for anybody else who needs them. -)

Hope it is of some use to someone else

Good luck


Sydney Australia

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 32822 01-14-99 12:32 MDM5674AU.inf 1143231 04-21-99 09:35 5674v220.exe 34659 01-14-99 12:32 MDM5675AU.txt 703 01-14-99 12:48 readme.txt 699 01-14-99 14:42 readme1.txt -------- ---- 1212114 5 files

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