8 Sep 2024


Conexant Conexant HCF V90 56K Speakerphone PCI Modem (cxt1035_nt4.inf) Modem Driver

Company: Conexant
Model: Conexant HCF V90 56K Speakerphone PCI Modem (cxt1035_nt4.inf)
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)


File: rwmnt.exe


Conexant Conexant HCF V90 56K Speakerphone PCI Modem (cxt1035_nt4.inf) Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 146259 04-26-99 14:51 CSACPL.CP_ 97171 09-09-99 15:10 cxt1035_nt4.inf 7854 05-26-99 19:34 drv_roc.inf 126 04-29-99 19:59 install.bat 72604 04-26-99 14:49 ISDEL.EX_ 327680 04-26-99 14:49 SETUP.EXE 517967 04-26-99 14:49 WINACPCI.SY_ -------- ---- 1169661 7 files

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