12 Mar 2025


Phoebe Micro CMV1456VQH-X Modem Driver

Company: Phoebe Micro
Model: CMV1456VQH-X
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Phoebe_V1456VQHX_04092000.zip


Phoebe Micro CMV1456VQH-X Driver. I've recently re-installed my trusty Phoebe Micro V1456VQH-X ISA v.90/x2 internal modem on a newly-bought PC. I've read that there's new Cheyenne Bitware 3.30.08K fax/voice software bundled... could some1 upload that as well, or at least tell me what it does?
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 794 04-09-00 21:38 !dirlist.txt 21098 04-05-00 23:40 56VQH-X.exe 309720 04-05-00 23:51 backtox2.exe 327295 04-05-00 23:36 tix2v90.exe -------- ------- 658907 4 files

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