28 Feb 2025


HSP PCtel HSP Modem Communication Port Modem Driver

Company: HSP
Model: PCtel HSP Modem Communication Port
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: PcTel.zip


HSP PCtel HSP Modem Communication Port Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 91008 03-29-99 15:33 2000/Hspcfg.exe 37909 03-20-00 10:09 2000/MDMCHIPV.INF 101610 01-17-00 15:51 2000/PCTPORT.CP_ 33151 01-05-00 16:41 2000/PCTPTT.EX_ 36791 01-19-00 18:30 2000/PCTSPK.EX_ 456 03-20-00 19:14 2000/PTHSP.DA_ 57846 01-21-00 19:21 2000/PTSERIAL.SY_ 103424 01-19-00 18:30 2000/PTSETUP.DLL 84709 01-05-00 16:41 2000/PTUNINST.EXE 657 08-30-99 10:20 2000/README.TXT 272636 01-21-00 19:20 2000/VMODEM.SY_ 29361 01-21-00 19:21 2000/VVOICE.SY_ 393454 03-20-00 18:48 2000/vpctcom.sy_ 36 06-06-00 09:18 ME/MDMCHIPV.CAT 30687 09-27-00 21:47 ME/Mdmchipv.inf 34141 07-21-00 10:12 ME/PCTPTT.EX_ 19801 07-22-00 04:25 ME/PCTVOICE.EX_ 36 06-06-00 09:18 ME/PCTWDM.CAT 2468 09-29-00 19:18 ME/Pctwdm.inf 728 06-06-00 03:39 ME/PTCOUNTY.INI 26583 07-21-00 10:24 ME/PTCTRL.CP_ 58624 07-22-00 03:39 ME/PTDLL16.DLL 79872 07-22-00 03:39 ME/PTDLL32.DLL 456 07-25-00 03:30 ME/PTHSP.DA_ 60712 07-29-00 02:14 ME/PTSERIAL.SY_ 85085 07-22-00 03:39 ME/PTUNINST.EXE 275731 07-11-00 09:00 ME/vmodem.sy_ 405571 09-28-00 23:46 ME/vpctcom.sy_ 29909 07-25-00 10:06 ME/VVOICE.SY_ 12254 05-19-99 17:33 98/Ptvcd.vx_ 38319 08-18-99 11:29 98/Mdmchipv.inf 2839 03-09-99 13:55 98/Pctports.inf 19782 03-09-99 13:55 98/Pctptt.ex_ 1443 03-09-99 13:55 98/Pctwave.bak 1443 08-04-99 10:20 98/Pctwave.in_ 367 08-18-99 11:27 98/Ptcounty.in_ 16125 03-09-99 13:55 98/Ptctrl.cp_ 23499 03-09-99 13:55 98/Ptdll16.dl_ 12927 03-09-99 13:55 98/Ptdll32.dl_ 456 08-18-99 11:27 98/Pthsp.da_ 7676 03-09-99 13:55 98/Ptrtsyc.dl_ 12287 05-19-99 17:33 98/Ptserial.vx_ 5381 03-09-99 13:55 98/Ptsnoop.ex_ 91008 03-29-99 15:33 98/Hspcfg.exe 287887 05-14-99 11:34 98/vmodem.vx_ 288202 05-14-99 11:29 98/vmodemm.vx_ 399489 10-14-99 12:49 98/Vpctcom.vx_ 39218 03-09-99 13:55 98/Vvoice.vx_ 37531 02-29-00 21:06 NT/Mdmchipv.inf 101611 01-14-00 17:07 NT/PCTPORT.CP_ 33151 01-05-00 16:10 NT/PCTPTT.EX_ 36538 10-25-99 18:27 NT/PCTSPK.EX_ 514 03-20-00 17:02 NT/PTCOUNTY.INI 456 03-20-00 19:02 NT/pthsp.da_ 56708 01-21-00 11:08 NT/PTSERIAL.SY_ 102912 01-14-00 17:07 NT/PTSETUP.DLL 84709 11-09-99 12:04 NT/PTUNINST.EXE 208384 01-04-00 16:09 NT/SETUP.EXE 242 10-22-99 14:03 NT/SETUP.INI 300530 01-21-00 11:08 NT/VMODEM.SY_ 32795 01-21-00 11:08 NT/VVOICE.SY_ 91008 03-29-99 15:33 NT/HSPCFG.EXE 452256 03-20-00 18:24 NT/vpctcom.sy_ -------- ---- 5153399 63 files

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